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Green School Photo Gallery
Habitat Maps

As part of our Green School’s Application process, we need to submit Habitat Maps for Year 1 and Year 2 of the programme.  The children in 5th class have spent lots of time working on our Year 1 Habitat Maps. In groups, they identified habitats, plants and trees on the school grounds and then created their own maps to represent their findings.  We are now using these maps to identify areas where we could increase biodiversity on our school grounds.  Well done 5th Class!

Incredible Edibles

We are taking part in the Incredible Edibles programme at the moment.  This is a healthy eating initiative for Primary School pupils.  It encourages schools across the country to get busy growing carrots, lettuce, potatoes, strawberries, turnips, spinach and herbs.  The aim of the project is to educate students about growing fruit and vegetables and to increase their knowledge of food origin and quality.  Volunteers from every class have prepared our raised beds for planting and cared for the seedlings and plants. We've seen a lot of progress over the last few weeks and are really looking forward to harvesting time!


We had a very interesting talk on pollinators and how we can help these little friends! They are so important to us as without them - we wouldn't have our lovely fruits, vegetables and flowers!

Bird Feeders

We are really enjoying our new theme - Biodiversity. We have loved making bird feeders in our school!

We are delighted to be involved in a huge project to attempt to plant 30,000 trees. We have every class in our school involved from 2nd class right up to 6th Class. Enjoy the galleries below showing the great work the boys have undertaken in the last few months. A special thanks to all the teachers who have taken a keen interest in this project from the start. 

2nd Class Tree Planting
4th Class Tree Planting
6th Class Tree Planting

Marking, preparing, measuring, digging, planting and celebrating another good day's work!